We always know where you are.
For every single target word or phrase!
There’s little point in using an SEO service if you don’t know what progress your target key words and phrases are making.
All our services provide full key word and phrase ranking tracking. When one of your targets moves in rank, we’ll know. We’ll also do something most companies won’t – we’ll let you know outside of the periodical reports we send. We believe in keeping clients informed and it doesn’t take long to send you a quick email to say you’ve changed rank. It’s another example of why our customer service is so revered.

Complete rank tracking service
We can track your targets on Google, obviously. However, we track them on other search engines too and we can also track them in different country search engines.
If you want to know where your targets rank in on Google’s USA searches, we can do that. Or perhaps you need to know where they rank on Google France? That too.
If we’re tracking your competitors, we’re also going to be tracking how they rank for your targets. That means you not only find out how you’re performing but we’ll also let you know if we spot them making headway on targets you’ve dominated or see opportunities for weaknesses we can exploit.
Big targets, big capabilities
Most of our clients will want to track a maximum of 50 target key words or phrases, but that doesn’t mean we can’t track more – because we can. Just tell us and if you need more than 50 tracking, we’ll adjust the plan accordingly.
Ranking isn’t everything though, despite what you might have been told. There are occasions when you might be ranking at no.1 for phrase that is delivering you no benefit whatsoever – and we’ll tell you why.
Our systems look at the traffic volume and trends of searches.
It is going to be easy to get to no.1 on Google UK for “Pink fluffy slippers with Elephant ears and Monkey expressions” after all! The point is, if nobody is searching for it, why waste your time optimising your website for it? We remove the wastage.

Look at another SEO service item
Continuous Monitoring
Systems monitor your website and how search engines see it - continuously.
Rank Tracking
You're on this page right now, try clicking another box..
Competitor Analysis
We can tell you of changes in your competitors rankings, visibility and more.
Link Tracing
Where is your site being linked to from, with what words and what is the impact?
Mobile Visibility
How does your visibility on mobiles compare to desktop searches?
Landing Analytics
How do visitors land on your website, is it changing and why?
Keyword Data
We can provide you with new keyword data and search volumes - instantly.
Monitoring of online visibility opportunities that you could exploit.
Visitor Analytics
Where are they coming from, what are they doing, for how long and much more.
Executive Reporting
Reporting of SEO activity, changes, rankings and recommendations.
Critical Issue Flagging
If your pages develop a critical issue, we'll know about it quickly.
Algorithm Changes
When search engines change their algorithms, we prepare and react.
Select your website type
We’ll give you an idea of the types of SEO packages that might suit you.